Face lift; is a procedure that aims to naturally restore the youthful appearance of the face by lifting and tightening sagging facial tissues.
The purpose of the facelift operation is to improve loose skin and wrinkles under the eyelids, wrinkles around the nose and mouth, and fat. In the case of neck lift; the loosened skin and fat on the chin and neck are corrected. These two operations can be performed together or separately. Scars remain in face lift surgeries. However, these traces are not noticed because they are very well hidden. Although face and neck lift is mostly demanded by women, it has started to be preferred especially by older men.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes between 5-7 hours depending on the procedure to be performed. After the operation, the patient should stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 nights, depending on his condition. It is important to apply ice and sleep with a double pillow to reduce post-operative edema and bruising. Bruising and edema will improve within the first week. Heavy exercises and excessive sun rays should be avoided for a few months after face and neck lift surgery. The time to wait for the face to settle and take its new form is between 3-6 months.